Thursday, June 24, 2010

drax and poly 6 part 2...

me in front of the drax unit.. its a daunting wall of shit right now.. i work on her piece by piece and hopefully it will all go fairly smooth.. i have a general idea of how it should go so. the pic of the aluminum is the armiture that holds all the boards and sub boards for the unit. this goes over top of the pots and switches in the faceplate. and sits about 1.5 inches or so away in parallel. i have to make this hinge so i can then access the pots and such when and if there will be repairs/adaptations and issues. so then the rear enclosure has a hinge and then the main board assembly will have a hinge as well. just seems like wise plan..the overlay DSVC is the extra 2 row expander module im make ing for this as well.. it extremely simple compared to the drax.. i didnt have the overlay printed i did it on the injet at home.. and seemed it and then sealed it with mylar from the art sore on both sides (3m super 77 spray adhesive wont ruin the clear overlays!!!) the next pic is the actual face plate of the DSVC on the drill press.. i work onthat as time allows as well. i make a simple black and white print out of it with all registration marks for all holes and then rubber cement that to the faceplate and puch drill from there. it gets things like 95% where they should be... ith minimal filing afterwards. so if you want to do it .. try it it that way! the last pic is the cr-8000 switches takes apart for cleaning and such.. they are super delicate and basicly what happens is the carbon comes off the top of the plunger and wont make contact to complete the circiut. so you clean it with a qtip and deoxit d5 and then shave a soft lead pencil for the lead shavings. chop it real fine and then apply it and rub it into the tiny foam pads on the plunger.. it works awesomely and pretty much indefinetely.

drax 2 continued...

well ive done some more wiring and remembered to take some pics this time. i also took some pics of the poly installed into its new home and the cr8000 switches in their undone state. theres a neat pic as well of an upcomming project...:)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

drax-2 002 taking shape

so ive been starting to wire and install all the pots and switches and do some of the preliminary wiring.. wow do i have work ahead. luckily i have a couple pics of this before they were installed and such. one is of the overlay (professionally laminated to be used industrial machine faceplates) and then some of the rear view of the armature i needed to make for all the sub modules and main boards.. this is going to be a wicked bitch to build physically. and more work than i had planned on... ill get some pics of the build as i do them.. i have one row of pots wired as of right now, and one row of leds in. . .

Sunday, June 13, 2010

the long haul

its seems this new sequencer is really taking time.. i guess it dont help tha i have several other projects on the bench as well (including a sequencer expander for it...) and a cr-8000 repair -mod and a poly six repair(extensive).. ive had to make several extra breadboard modules for it as well: 2 CMOS control line buffers, 3 led buffers, an extra gate channel, and a slide /selectable per-step portamento 4067/mux/demux control board.. so the piece ar e aaall done now and ive pretty much figured the layout of it tall behind the faceplate, and monuting etc.. have the faceplate all amachined and eady to go and have the printed overlay on the unit.(it was ridiculously hard to do with soooo many holes to align.- along with 3 rows of rectangular dpdt switches...) but it looks fairly good and should work out allright..

im projecting with everything else in life right now as well.. ill have it finished/de-bugged and running in about 1.5 -2 months... rough estimate with the current time scale. theres ALOT I STRESS ALOT of wiring to be done.. some i can really blaze trhu other shit will just eat time. so...
we'll see.